October 11, 2016

Tour to Kota Tua Jakarta or Jakarta Old Town on Weekday

These pictures below shown some spots of Jakarta Old Town..

The atmosphere of Fatahillah Square

A family in photo session wih street artist 'Gatot Kaca'

The legendary cannons in front of Jakarta History Museum, let's go inside the museum..

In this museum, we can see many interior things from the colonial era. We also can find cultural heritage from ancient kingdom era like statues and inscriptions.

A Portuguese leader

Artifacts from Sunda Kingdom

Well of hope

Little garden outside the museum

A Greek statue, symbol of luck
Tattoo maker and portrait maker around Fatahillah square

Djakarte, art gallery and cafe

Some old buildings at Jakarta Old Town that we can see by walk..

Because of construction project, we can't enter to by pass

The legendary Toko Merah

Finish point at Fatahillah Square again..