October 15, 2009

Cherish Our Earth

The development of the world continue to run until now. Whether we realize it or not, it also impacts another. Human nature that always want more and along with the progress of science and technology encourage more people to dominate all parts of the earth, above the surface until deep inside the earth.

In addition, the increasing population of human causes must modify the natural environment into the built up environment. This is affecting climate change, such as a more natural landscape can capture and store carbon in the soil, thus reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If the vegetation cut down and / or damaged land, soil carbon storage will be released back into the atmosphere.

Changes in land use and the burning of fossil fuels from industrial activities and motor vehicles are a major source of carbon dioxide that causes greenhouse effect. According to experts, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can not be absorbed back by nature until 100 years or more.

Meanwhile, the more areas become urban. The extent of the pavement area and the density of buildings are difficult to remove heat because dry soil can't emit lots heat through evaporation, so the downtown air temperature is higher 3oC - 4oC compared with the surrounding area and will be higher again in the summer.

Earth continues changed by humans. Deforestation causes a very dry land, declining rainfall, which reduced crop failure can even cause starvation. In addition, climate change also causes the loss of tens of thousands of species of living things.

Meanwhile, with the vast areas of pavement, water reserves will be reduced, there will be erosion, flooding, and pollutants will be immediately transported to the sea, because there are no trees that capable of absorbing, clear, and restore the rainwater into the ground.

Exploitation of natural resources continue to be done without a balanced effort to preserve it. This disrupts the balance of nature. Temperature increases more rapidly in recent years. An increase in temperature will melt the polar ice that caused the temperature of the earth will continue to get hot because no one can reflect 85 to 90% of heat and that can recycle carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Most of the carbon dioxide trapped in ocean floor will also be released into the atmosphere because the Earth's temperature continues to increase. Rainfall patterns to change. Then came natural disasters, like floods, droughts, landslides, heat attacks, and hurricanes.

Thus we must realize that the problem of global warming is so great and wide. Therefore let us change our attitudes and life as it is part of a long-term solution, with no consumption and use our intelligence to start doing good things for our earth.

In the end, we must increase our self awareness to truly love and cherish the earth as we live together. Loving the earth with loving ourselves, because love is the force that makes us truly human.